FASTER Focus — functional training
Benefits of Personal Training
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We all know exercise has been proven time and time again to be incredible for us. It helps us live longer, healthier lives. Exercise, both cardiovascular and resistance training, is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. It keeps us moving better and feeling better but for some reason it is a hard thing to make a priority in life. We have been talking over the last few weeks about motivation and how wearable fitness devices and groups can motivate us. This week we are going to discuss how personal training is beneficial. One of the main...
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- Tags: adult fitness, athlete performance, cross training, faster, functional training, personal training, Uncategorized
Group Fitness Classes: What is Enhanced Functional Exercise? What are the benefits?
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Last week we discussed eight qualities that make up a strong (no pun intended) cross training program. This week we will discuss our in-house EFX group fitness class. Many people start by asking what is EFX? EFX stands for Enhanced Functional Exercise. In simple terms, EFX is a group circuit training class that is built on the eight qualities of cross training that we discussed and designed to get results. In more scientific terms, EFX is designed to create EPOC – Excess Post Oxygen Consumption. EPOC allows you to burn calories up to 48 hours after your workout; so after...